Oleh: Anonim (Calon Gelombang 5 VOL-D)
It was one of the best moments in my life. Joining the Volenteer Doctor’s event which is called Balai Pengobatan on 7th and 8th of April at Lembang was a totally new experience for me. I will always keep those memories in my mind. I am very grateful and looking forward for the upcoming event that will be organized by them.
The journey starts on 7th April 1.30pm, Najmir, Yolanda and me take a shuttle from Jatingor to Salman Mosque ITB in Bandung. We were told to meet other members of Vol-D there, then we were briefed by our leader, Kang Danfer about our deskjobs before depart together to Lembang. That night was the opening ceremony of the big event organized by MITI. Vol-D was given the task to handle the Balai Pengobatan the next day. We met the MITI members, eat together and know each other and then we prepared our things and equipments which will be needed for Balai Pengobatan next day.
8th April, it was the main event for Vol-D members, which was the Balai Pengobatan. We were devided into several stations which will do different tasks. There were the Blood Test station, Blood Sugar Test station, Dentistry station, Counseling and Pharmacy station. There was also a small group from us which will give a short talk about Healthy Lifestyle and Hypertension. Yolanda, Astika and I were in charge of the pharmacy station. We have to be able to read what was been prescribed for the patient and prepare the medicine for them. We were guided by two of our Pharmacy seniors that day.
I gained a lot of things during this event. Firstly, it gives me the actual view of what are the activities that are done by Vol-D. One of their activities is to help the needy by giving free consultion and medicine for them. Most importantly was giving education to change their lifestyle into more healthy environment. Then, I also got a bit glimpse of how the environment and culture of people who live outside the city. The culture and environment of a certain population will always affect their lifestyle. This will help to discover what is the problems that occurred there. Other than that, this event teaches me how communication is very important expecially for a doctor to get information from their patient and to diagnose the disease they have.
In conclusion, this event means a lot to me. It has widened and opened my view of how is a job of a doctor will be. I also realised that with the knowledge that we have especially in medical aspects, we should help those people who are in need and help to change their life to a better and healthy environment. Tokens of appreciation to Vol-D for giving me the permission to join their activities. Eventhough there are still many things I need to learn, I am looking forward to join the next event.
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